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Inowrocławska 12/23


91-033 Łódź, Polska
NIP: 7252313788



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    The Better Together Foundation is an organization founded in 2021 by 2 young people who have participated in Erasmus + exchange projects for years. It is a bottom-up initiative focused primarily on European and international problems, as well as on the development of Poland in Europe. Educational programs, including non-formal education, play a key role in the Foundation's activities, as one of our intentions is to strengthen commitment civil society in Poland and in Europe, as well as the development of entrepreneurship.

The founders of the foundation, thanks to the long journey from the participants, through the facilitators to the organizers, gained the experience and perspective necessary to integrate the participants and, above all, to reach them. The goal of the foundation is to build a group, create opportunities for common development, expand perspectives and get rid of stereotypes and fear of the unknown. We believe that integration enables building an international community which, thanks to an individual approach to each issue, expands the potential result, because only with an integrated group can a full-fledged project be implemented. Each topic benefits when the group is open to action, discussion, and the sharing of experiences and thoughts.

One of the biggest advantages of Erasmus + is that each topic gains value when it is tackled in an international environment - we can get to know different points of view, not only because of different opinions, but above all because of the cultural differences that arise - and therefore, each participant gains vast knowledge and experience. The Foundation wants to create opportunities for young people so that, like the founders in the past, they can open up to the world, see it from the perspective of other nations, often get rid of stereotypes, and gain knowledge and skills that they will not learn from classical school.


Foundation's statute - click here to read the foundation's statute.