Outgoing and engaging,  Giulia volunteers in our foundation and helps in the organisation of projects and events. She graduated cum laude from a Masters in European Studies and is deeply interested in the contemporary challenges around the world

Członek Fundacji / Youth Worker

Giulia Fama

Claudia Jordan

 Youth Worker

Claudia Jordán is a Spanish student currently living in Kraków, Poland, completing a graduate degree in European Studies at the Jagiellonian University, specializing in Holocaust and totalitarian systems.

She has been an active participant in many Eramus+ projects and could not been more happy to join this adventure.

Claudia is an amazing person and it is an honor to have her as part of the foundation.

Member of the Foundation Council

Dorota Podolska

Co-founder and Chair of the Board of the Better Together Foundation. Erasmus+ Project Manager.

She graduated from Journalism and Social Communication, specializing in Public Relations.

She uses her journalistic skills when organizing, for example, youth exchanges under Erasmus+ projects. Outside the foundation, she works as a sales representative.

President of the Foundation Council/ 

Project Manager

Dominika Kuchciak


Co-founder and President of the Better Together Foundation.

Master of economic studies, outside the foundation he works as a financial analyst.

Passionate about sport, history, economy and travel. For years he was a participant in Erasmus+ projects.

Paweł Panek



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91-033 Łódź, Polska
NIP: 7252313788



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