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90-265 Łódź, Polska
NIP: 7252313788

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23 September 2022

Erasmus+ Youth Exchanges

The youth exchange within the Erasmus + program is a great opportunity to acquire a number of new skills, develop existing ones and, above all, to build international contacts. Through integration, participants can create friendships for years, get rid of stereotypes, get to know other cultures and strengthen their knowledge of English and other languages.

The topics of the exchanges depend on the topic of the project. They can be organized in Poland, but also abroad (all of Europe and not only). The exchanges usually last 7 days and are co-financed by the European Union fund. Participants can be people aged 18-30 + leader with no age limit. Most often, 5-7 countries, 5-7 people each, take part in the exchange.

Exchange activities include workshops, exercises, debates, role-playing games, sports activities and much, much more.

The certificate of participation is Youthpass.

Our organization focuses on projects related to broadly understood self-development. The first draft written and approved is "Zaloguj się do życia | Log in to life", which focuses on the problems of addiction to technology, social media and the impact on the daily and emotional lives of users.

If you want to become a participant and be part of our organization, please contact us ❤️