This exchange will raise the awareness of not only the protection of the environment, but also the pollution that we, as volunteers –unaware of being it– are making in our daily work and consume every day, wasting foods, stationary stuffs, not using eco-friendly materials etc. According to our experiences in youth projects, when project subject is about ‘environment’ people are more careful about everything they do such as not using plastics, not wasting foods and materials etc. but unfortunately we are not so careful in other projects. We see it as a big problem and we believe that with this small step from our project, we can save a lot and contribute a lot in Erasmus+ projects to be more environmental friendly. No matter what are the subjects, all projects can be environmental friendly. We will organize campaigns and create professional commercials which will be made during the exchange and we will share it with all youth workers and NGOs in order to show them to their volunteers. Organizations can show them before their projects start in order to have zero youth footprint projects.




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  2. en


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NIP: 7252313788

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